Far East Import-Export

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Far East Import Export has been established since 1985. We specialise in the import and export of tropical fresh fruits, frozen fruits, canned fruits, cut fruits, fresh vegetables, frozen seafood and exotic bird’s nest. We are one of the leading companies in the fruits export industry of Malaysia. We export fruits to regions such as China, Hong Kong, United States, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Canada, Taiwan, Australia and most of the European countries.

Distributing our unique fruits throughout the world, providing our customers with a level of product quality, service and competitive pricing which exceeds their expectations. Our core mission is to get everyone to know and savour the taste of tropical fruits, notably the unique flavours of Malaysian Durian.

Our brand promises a professional and responsive relationship with top quality assurance in all our products. From our very own production to networks, our vision has always been to ensure the enjoyment of our products in a way that promotes the recognition of our brand.

We pride ourselves in our professionalism with a strict no compromise attitude towards quality in order to exceed our customers’ needs. With a sprawling network at our disposal, we are able to source and secure the highest quality Durians that our customers demand. Paired with the high priority placed into our hygienic practices and the quality assurance of our products, customers can be assured our products will be in the best condition possible. Freshness, Quality and Professionalism come to mind when our customers think of our brand.

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